LAMMPS tutorial
Tutorial Setup
Setting up Docker
For this tutorial we will use the containerized version of VOTCA. It is provided as a docker container.
To install docker
sudo apt install
Note that this is no longer the recommended way to install Docker, but it is the quickest, for the up to date install instructions see Docker’s website.
Getting the Docker image
docker pull votca/votca
Setting up Jupyter
For the tutorial we will use a jupyter notebook. To start the docker container
sudo docker run -it -p 8888:8888 votca/votca /bin/bash
Allocate a pseudo-tty and keep STDIN open even if not attached-p
pass the 8888 port of the docker container to the 8888 port of the host, needed to use jupyter in your browser.
Next we need to install jupyter
in the docker container
pip3 install jupyter
Starting the tutorial
Navigate to the tutorial
cd xtp-tutorials/LAMMPS/Thiophene
From that directory we run jupyter. We need to pass some special options to make it work with the docker container and the host browser
jupyter notebook --ip --no-browser --allow-root
Now navigate to http://localhost:8888/tree in your browser and open the QMMM_LAMMPS.ipynb