Python Resources

Here is a list of great sources of information for python, numpy and matplotlib.

  • The Official Python Tutorial If you want a good basis in python the official tutorial is great. For this course the most relevant chapters are chapters 3, 4 and 7. They will show you basic python, control statements and File IO, respectively. Chapters 5 and 6 are also useful. Chapter 5 will show you more advanced python data structures (don’t waste to much time here, we will be using numpy data structures in this course) and Chapter 6 will show you what import does and how to work with modules and multiple source files.
  • The Official NumPy Tutorial Also NumPy has a great tutorial. It is, however, a bit long and tedious. Feel free to work through it if you want, but maybe start with our tutorials here on canvas and see if you still need or want to know more.
  • Matplotlib This link goes to a sample plot page so you can see what Matplotlib can do. I do not believe you need to follow a tutorial for nice figures. Just google what you need, if you want a nice histogram search for matplotlib histogram and you will find loads of examples with good code. Just copy paste the code and adapt the code so it works for you.